

MovieHunter is an app designed to give movie fans more in depth information about the movies they love to watch. It also gives users the ability to categorize and search for their favorite movies, view ratings given by other viewers, and share movie choices with friends on social media. The application also enables users to select from various streaming services.

Interact with the prototype here MovieHunter



Based on the data from the contextual inquiries and affinity diagram we created personas. Personas do not represent a real users but are beneficial to capture the characteristics of the real user as observed durng the contextual inquiry. These helpe us provide a rich desctription of the potential users of the application.


We decided that each team member would come up with their own sketches and then we would pick the best sections from each.


Wireframes were created based on combining the best sections from everyones sketches. These would help give the client an idea of how the site would look.


We designed a MID-FI interactive prototype to help visualise the final product. This prototype was then tested for usability issues. We used Camtasia to record the users interactions. Based on the feedbeack from the usability test we made changes to the prototype. This prototype was again tested. Feedback from these tests were incorporated to the HI-FI prototype which was tested as well. The prototypes were created using Axure RP 8.

The Final Product

To interact with the prototype click the link below